The Suburbia Series by Calder Melody

The Suburbia Series by Calder Melody

Author:Calder, Melody
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: anonymous
Published: 2023-09-10T00:00:00+00:00

“Victoria, I’m aware of your relationship with Rachel and your little act,” I growl. “There isn’t anything more you need to say about it.”

She looks at me incredulously, sticking to her cold exterior I’ve become too used to. “There is no need for you to snap at me. It’s not like your hands are clean in all this.”

I shake my head in disgust, “Yeah, well, I wasn’t the one who spent twelve years pretending to be deeply devoted to my religion just to avoid sleeping with my spouse.”

“No, you just lost all our money, made us have to change our identities, and started sleeping with the neighbor,” she retorts.

“Our money? You haven’t worked our entire marriage!” I shout, my anger boiling to the surface.

“You don’t deny sleeping with Samantha?” she asks, glee in her voice.

I look at her bewildered, “Are you seriously trying to use an affair as leverage over me?” My question wipes the smile off her face. “I was faithful to you until I learned about you and Rachel. I have stuck by you no matter how cold you have been towards me. I was as good of a husband as I could be to you, so don’t you dare try to turn this shit on me.”

She hangs her head in defeat, for once her perfectly poised façade cracking. “Fine. I will let it go. But there is still the matter of what you will offer for my silence. I am sure you don’t want to be free of your frigid wife, only to lose that freedom by sitting in a jail cell.”

“Why are you still playing games, Victoria?” I seethe. “Are you that fucked in the head that you can’t do anything in your life without there being a reward for you?”

“I just—” She stops to collect herself before continuing, “I just don’t want to be out on the streets. I have spent my whole life trying to be the perfect wife that my parents expected me to be. I’ve been taught nothing but running a household so my husband could provide for me as God intended. I have no other education or experience to survive on my own. I think my dedication to you, taking care of the household, is worth something.”

I don’t believe the gall of this woman! She married me for what I could provide for her, yet I’m supposed to feel thankful that she ran the household? I can hire people to clean and it will cost me a lot less in the long run. As if that’s not enough, she planned on denying me children for the rest of our lives. The one thing that was more important to me than anything else. “You know Victoria,” I sigh, “considering you used me and sabotaged the IVF, which is one of the bills that would land me in jail, I don’t believe I owe you anything.”

“You—” she starts, but I hold up my hand, silencing her.

I don’t tell her I already know what she’ll need, having discussed it with Stuart earlier in the week.


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